VIP Nursing School

Image of VIP Nursing School

16388 E 14th St, San Leandro, CA 94578, United States

Phone: +1 510-481-0240

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VIP Nursing School in San Leandro is well-equipped with facilities and resources that offer a comprehensive learning experience for aspiring nurses. The school provides hands-on training in bedside care skills, complemented by informative lectures that cover a wide range of nursing essentials. Students are encouraged to engage respectfully with instructors, who are dedicated to providing quality education and support throughout the program.

The school prides itself on showcasing essential care tools and equipment commonly used in healthcare settings, preparing students for real-world scenarios. Teachers like Ma'am Josie and Sir Danny are commended for their kindness and dedication to their students' success, creating a supportive learning environment.

While the school shines in terms of educational offerings, some online reviews suggest issues with communication and professionalism from the owner. Despite these isolated incidents, VIP Nursing School continues to be a valuable institution for individuals looking to kickstart their nursing careers. Students can expect a rewarding experience filled with essential knowledge, practical skills, and a supportive community to guide them towards a successful CNA certification.

Opening Hours

For opening hours, please visit the website.