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American Red Cross - Fairbanks

American Red Cross - Fairbanks

3501 S Lathrop St g, Fairbanks, AK 99701, United States

4 Stars3 Reviews
American Red Cross - Anchorage

American Red Cross - Anchorage

235 E 8th Ave Ste 200, Anchorage, AK 99501, United States

4.6 Stars14 Reviews
American Red Cross - Anchorage

American Red Cross - Anchorage

5955 Zeamer Ave, Anchorage, AK 99506, United States

5 Stars2 Reviews
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Free CNA Training in Alaska

Alaska offers opportunities for individuals to train as Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) for free or at a reduced cost through various methods. The pathways to free CNA training in Alaska typically involve employer sponsorships, grants, and educational institutions that may have special funding for healthcare training.

1. Employer Sponsorships

Many healthcare facilities in Alaska, such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, might offer free CNA training to individuals who agree to work for them for a certain period after becoming certified. These facilities often provide this training to fill staffing needs and ensure a consistent level of care for their patients.

How to Apply:

  • Contact local nursing homes, hospitals, and other long-term care facilities directly to inquire about available training opportunities.
  • Look for job listings that include training as part of the employment package.

2. Workforce Investment Act (WIA)

The Workforce Investment Act is a federal program that funds training for individuals who are looking to enter the workforce but require additional training to be employable. In Alaska, CNA training programs may be funded under WIA for qualified applicants.


  • Must meet specific income and employment criteria.
  • Often targeted at displaced workers, or those in low-income brackets.

How to Apply:

  • Visit or contact the Alaska Job Center Network (AJCN) for guidance.
  • Attend WIA information sessions where available.

3. Educational Institutions with Special Programs

Some community colleges and vocational schools in Alaska may offer free or reduced-cost CNA programs through grants, scholarships, or other funding sources designated for healthcare education.


  • University of Alaska Anchorage might have programs or connections with scholarships specifically designed for nursing or CNA students.
  • Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC) offers training programs that might be eligible for financial aid or specific grants.

How to Apply:

  • Contact the financial aid office of the educational institution offering the CNA program.
  • Look for scholarships offered by the institution or external organizations dedicated to healthcare education.

4. High School Programs

Certain high schools in Alaska might offer CNA training programs to students as a part of their curriculum, usually in partnership with local medical facilities. These programs can be an excellent way for high school students to enter the healthcare field early.

How to Apply:

  • High school students should talk to their school counselors about available CNA training opportunities and how to enroll.

General Tips:

  • Always confirm that the CNA training program is state-approved to ensure that your certification will be recognized.
  • Check if there are any upcoming job fairs focused on healthcare, as local employers may offer direct training opportunities.
  • Continuously check the websites of local medical facilities and training institutions for announcements regarding free training opportunities.

Employer sponsorships remain one of the most straightforward paths to free CNA training in Alaska, providing a win-win situation where employers secure future employees while individuals receive training without financial strain.

Top CNA Schools in Alaska

Alaska offers several reputable programs for those looking to become Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs). These programs are known for their rigorous training standards and adherence to both state and federal education guidelines. Here is an overview of some top schools offering CNA training in Alaska:

  1. University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) – The School of Nursing at UAA provides a comprehensive CNA training program, which is highly regarded in the state. The program prepares students with the necessary skills to perform in various healthcare settings. UAA's program is known for its high-quality instruction and strong focus on both clinical and theoretical aspects of nursing care.

  2. Alaska Career College – Located in Anchorage, this college offers a CNA training program that combines classroom instruction with hands-on training. The program is tailored to meet the needs of students seeking immediate employment in the healthcare field upon graduation. Alaska Career College has a reputation for providing a supportive learning environment and for its high pass rates on the state certification exam.

  3. AVTEC – Alaska's Institute of Technology – Situated in Seward, AVTEC offers a shorter-duration CNA training program, which is intensive and geared toward quick entry into the workforce. The program is well-known for its strong practical training components and close ties to local healthcare facilities, providing students with real-world experience during their studies.

  4. Providence Alaska Medical Center – Unique in its offering, Providence provides a CNA training program directly within a hospital setting, allowing students unparalleled exposure to clinical environments and direct patient care. This program is ideal for those who thrive in fast-paced settings and wish to gain extensive hands-on experience.

  5. Mat-Su College – Part of the University of Alaska system, located in Palmer, Mat-Su College offers a CNA training program that focuses on the skills needed in both urban and rural settings in Alaska. The program is distinguished by its emphasis on preparing students to work effectively in diverse environments.

These schools are noted for their robust training programs that equip students with the necessary skills to succeed in the healthcare field as CNAs. Most programs also offer assistance with job placements following certification, highlighting their commitment to student success beyond the classroom. Additionally, these programs often include specific coursework on Alaska Native cultural competencies, which is critical in a state with a significant indigenous population. This education ensures that graduates are not only technically proficient but also culturally sensitive, which is an important aspect of healthcare provision in Alaska.